how cold pressed castor oil can act as an anti aging oil and aid in wrinkle free skin

Achieve Youthful Skin with Cold-Pressed Castor Oil: The Natural Anti-Aging Solution!

According to International Journal of Science and Research, Castor Oil contains 90% Ricinoleic Acid, that naturally contains fatty acids composition of an unsaturated Omega 9 and monosaturated hydroxy acid that most of your cosmetics add to make that high-end serums, creams and lotions for skin care. So rather than using any other formulation, why not try the all natural 100% pure cold-pressed castor oil ? Achieving youthful skin is possible by following proper self-care routine.

Let’s Check how to achieve youthful skin with cold-pressed castor oil:

First and foremost you need to check the nature of your skin. Is it oily? Is it dry? Is it mix? or acne prone. Depending on your skin type you should use the virgin aranda tel in different quantity and various home remedies recipe.

In the pursuit of youthful and radiant skin, many individuals turn to various skincare products and treatments. However, one natural and effective solution that has been gaining popularity is cold-pressed castor oil. Compared to standard lubricants, castor oil demonstrates higher viscosity, density, thermal conductivity, and pour point values.

This makes it an ideal option for nourishing and rejuvenating the skin.

Let us no more go further in letting you know the magnificent benefits of castor oil for self care and jump to spill the beans on how to achieve that wrinkleless youthful skin.

Home Remedy for Aging Face:

  • You will need:



EriCare® Organic Castor Oil

  • How to Do it?

Take 2-3 pieces of papaya and mash it.

Add 1 tablespoon of sandalwood and 1 teaspoon of organic castor oil.

Apply this and leave it on face for 30mins.

After 30mins, give a good scrub with your finger tips and wash it off.

  • Why this works?

Papaya contains certain enzymes and antioxidants that can help in slowing aging process, while Organic castor oil is rich in Omega 3, 9 and other fatty acids that can boost collagen built up and keep your skin hydrated increasing skin elasticity and reversing aging effects. Sandawood powder has toning properties to curb signs of aging.

Home Remedy for Skin Tightening

  • You will need:




Castor Oil

  • How to Do it?

Mash 2 pieces of banana add 2 teaspoon of honey and pinch of turmeric powder to it and apply this to tighten your skin naturally. After 15 mins wash your face with cold water and dry your face with soft napkin.  Then take few drops of travel friendly moisturizer EriCare Castor Oil and evenly apply and massage your face for 5 minutes till the skin absorbs the oil completely.

This natural face masks works wonder as bananas are high in natural oils, vitamins, and potassium leading to skin tightening and leaving your skin feeling soft, supple and glowing. While

How to Reduce wrinkles on Face Naturally?

Wrinkles are natural part of aging and as you get older your skin tends to loose the natural oils production in your skin making it more fragile and reducing skin elasticity.


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